Who’s Buying Up Land in America?


Why do Pelosi and Schumer have to push President Biden to take a stand against the Chinese Communist Party from investing in businesses and land in America? Highly unlikely to see much resolve on this issue when you have Hunter involved in a variety of businesses with the CCP. When China invests $5mil and Hunter invests $0.00 in some business dealings, you gotta wonder what the pay-off is. My guess: Hunter’s giving the CCP head’s up on properties surrounding our military bases along with farmland for sale. HOW MUCH OF A NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT must be imposed upon us before someone takes charge of these issues with border security, China, illegal immigration?! The fact that Pelosi and Schumer have to “push” Joe Biden, speaks volumes about someone who obviously doesn’t give a damn about the people of the United States of America and builds a wall around his house like the “Great Wall of China”. Can we suppose Joe is in China’s pocket? They have him (and family Biden) over a barrel? (Pun intended).

This issue is slow to hit the media in mass. So here’s a little push from me.

Examples of Chinese investments in America and subsequent news headlines:

White House Shrugs off Threat of China Purchasing Land Near Military Bases

Biden spox Kirby oddly dodges question about China buying land near US military bases

Lawmakers Seek Review of Chinese Purchase of Farmland Adjacent to U.S. Military Base

And an article from Fox News regarding a letter they sent to the White House is truly worthy of a read. Here’s a little excerpt:

“A wind energy farm project near Del Rio, Texas, was reportedly nixed by the Texas government after it was revealed the 130,000 acre — around the size of Tulsa, Oklahoma — was only miles away from the Laughlin Air Force Base where pilots are trained.” And…. “The purchases have raised red flags in Washington, with Texas Republican Rep. Tony Gonzales, who represents Del Rio, introducing a bill to curb foreign adversaries purchasing land anywhere near U.S. military installations.”

See the full article here: Republicans sound alarm over Chinese government-linked farmland purchase near North Dakota air base With Biden’s mocking and insulting behavior toward the news media, my guess, if warnings and pleas come from them, he’s likely to “shrug it off.”

Here’s a news article from October 26, 2022 (yesterday) that lays out findings on some money transactions, what they were for and how much the Biden’s are in bed with China. This makes one wonder WHY China’s Intelligence dept is interested in property, or setting up certain businesses on American soil. Are they planning to bring some of their military here to work (disguised) in these “businesses” only to unleash their truth when shit hits the fan? They will have acquired our drone secrets, other military secrets, land for growing crops and having control over the food sources. Think people, think!

Grassley, Johnson share Hunter Biden’s China-linked bank records with US attorney leading criminal probe

On the Brink of Losing Our Freedoms?

Want more of this? https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2020/04/02/coronavirus-covid-19-stay-at-home-violators-face-civil-fine/5119105002/

(Note: above link is to an article dated April 2020)

With Covid still on the loose (and will most likely be floating around for a very long time), the threat of shut downs is still a possibility. Even masks are in vogue once again and not necessarily by personal choice.

PayPal recently had an update to their “Acceptable Use Policy” violations of the PayPal User Agreement that would subject you (a member of PayPal) to damages of $2500 for each violation involving sending, posting or publication of messages or materials that in their sole discretion (PayPal’s) incite hatred or discrimination (in short); are fraudulent or promote misinformation or unfit for publication.

Now, consider the statement also read if you don’t agree to the new changes, to square up and close your account. So MANY DID. And guess what?! PayPal, within hours, rescinded this update calling it an error and never should have been changed. So what was it then? A draft? A threat to succumb to their terms where we would be forced to give up our right to freedom of speech? Their stock plunged and they ran scared, causing the reversal of their “draft” update.

In the meantime, Twitter is rounding up many folks (a lot of stated Republican followers) in particular, and are closely watching their verbiage. Words such as “kick them out!” do not fly past their moderators. Requesting a review of your “temporary (12 hr) punishment” from being able to post anything, is fruitless. Their response is based on the “word” and not necessarily the context in which the word was used. Hence, find other vernacular such as “impeach them!” Or “move them out on their butts” to avoid words that even remotely look like hate, harassment, or incite bodily harm. But did you happen to see the recent video circulating on Nancy Pelosi who, on January 6, threatened to punch Trump in the face if he even showed up to the White House? She even openly admitted it would give her great satisfaction and she was willing to go to jail for it. Was she referring to jail-jail or Twitter jail? That was seriously okay though. However, there are many folks wondering why their messages have been deleted, their followers expunged and they’ve been locked out. For 12 hours or for lifetime? Not sure, but many are concerned.

Also on subject is Google. Apparently, they have been refusing their Android users access to Trump’s “Truth Social” app and held up the Android based app from their Play Store; based on their concerns that Trump and his app may be a snake’s den for inciting hate and harassment (in so many words, not verbatim). So recently, Google approved the app and probably due to an update of Truth Social’s T&C (or Acceptable Use Policy), satisfying Google’s requests. So if you’re an Android user and seeking out Truth Social, it should be in your Play Store now.

Protect your freedoms (Freedom of Speech is one of them). You know how to vote, so do it! #VoteToSaveAmerica and your freedoms.

To further the point on Freedom of Speech… a worthy read to stir some thought: https://www.foxnews.com/world/us-citizen-given-16-year-prison-sentence-saudi-arabia-tweets-state-dept-bungles-case-family

January 6 Kangaroo Court Committee

I am amazed at how much time capital hill has spent on the Jan 6 invasion of our capital by folks who felt an injustice over our voting rights and election results (freedom of speech and the right to protest) -VS- the little time that has been spent with more important issues like illegal immigration, lack of border security, prevention of another 9-11 due to that lack of border security, the current fentanyl crisis as an act of terrorism against the citizens of the United States, and the current catch and release of serial and career criminals. I now understand where my government’s priorities lie (pun intended) and it is not for WE THE PEOPLE. It is a “culling” of the American people by way of madness & mayhem. How is that any different than the drama capitol hill gave us during Trump’s term?!

This committee has admitted that they do not have all the facts because some that they have questioned have invoked their right to not answer under the 5th amendment. So using social media (really?!) for “proof of assisting Trump” makes it okay. When much of what is wrong started with social media and the government’s various officials paying people to spread rumors of Russian collusion (fact). Controlling social media (fact), telling them what to post (fact), what to pull from the stream (fact), and planting lies of Russia involvement (fact).

How hypocritical is this?! What is happening to our government? This post is my own take on how this all looks and feels, based on what I’ve witnessed myself from any of the news stations, news articles, interviews and publicized live hearings.

Why hasn’t all the drama, lies and manipulations of Pelosi, Schumer and Schiff (to name a few) been brought to light where their involvements during Trump’s 4 year term, agitated the public and contributed to creating dissent between the citizens of the U.S. as well as citizens against these 3 musketeers. Does no one see how the behavior of the “3” actually led up to the belief the election was stolen? This is something that took 4 years to bloom (and their corruption still reaches far today). The election was the icing on the cake (for them) and the straw that broke the camel’s back (for the citizens). Do they think they are exempt from inquiry? Why isn’t anyone questioning this. Don’t look back too far. You might find the truth and the root cause!

God save America.


Protect the Constitution of the United States and vote for all that will save our country.