January 6 Kangaroo Court Committee

I am amazed at how much time capital hill has spent on the Jan 6 invasion of our capital by folks who felt an injustice over our voting rights and election results (freedom of speech and the right to protest) -VS- the little time that has been spent with more important issues like illegal immigration, lack of border security, prevention of another 9-11 due to that lack of border security, the current fentanyl crisis as an act of terrorism against the citizens of the United States, and the current catch and release of serial and career criminals. I now understand where my government’s priorities lie (pun intended) and it is not for WE THE PEOPLE. It is a “culling” of the American people by way of madness & mayhem. How is that any different than the drama capitol hill gave us during Trump’s term?!

This committee has admitted that they do not have all the facts because some that they have questioned have invoked their right to not answer under the 5th amendment. So using social media (really?!) for “proof of assisting Trump” makes it okay. When much of what is wrong started with social media and the government’s various officials paying people to spread rumors of Russian collusion (fact). Controlling social media (fact), telling them what to post (fact), what to pull from the stream (fact), and planting lies of Russia involvement (fact).

How hypocritical is this?! What is happening to our government? This post is my own take on how this all looks and feels, based on what I’ve witnessed myself from any of the news stations, news articles, interviews and publicized live hearings.

Why hasn’t all the drama, lies and manipulations of Pelosi, Schumer and Schiff (to name a few) been brought to light where their involvements during Trump’s 4 year term, agitated the public and contributed to creating dissent between the citizens of the U.S. as well as citizens against these 3 musketeers. Does no one see how the behavior of the “3” actually led up to the belief the election was stolen? This is something that took 4 years to bloom (and their corruption still reaches far today). The election was the icing on the cake (for them) and the straw that broke the camel’s back (for the citizens). Do they think they are exempt from inquiry? Why isn’t anyone questioning this. Don’t look back too far. You might find the truth and the root cause!

God save America.


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