On the Brink of Losing Our Freedoms?

Want more of this? https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2020/04/02/coronavirus-covid-19-stay-at-home-violators-face-civil-fine/5119105002/

(Note: above link is to an article dated April 2020)

With Covid still on the loose (and will most likely be floating around for a very long time), the threat of shut downs is still a possibility. Even masks are in vogue once again and not necessarily by personal choice.

PayPal recently had an update to their “Acceptable Use Policy” violations of the PayPal User Agreement that would subject you (a member of PayPal) to damages of $2500 for each violation involving sending, posting or publication of messages or materials that in their sole discretion (PayPal’s) incite hatred or discrimination (in short); are fraudulent or promote misinformation or unfit for publication.

Now, consider the statement also read if you don’t agree to the new changes, to square up and close your account. So MANY DID. And guess what?! PayPal, within hours, rescinded this update calling it an error and never should have been changed. So what was it then? A draft? A threat to succumb to their terms where we would be forced to give up our right to freedom of speech? Their stock plunged and they ran scared, causing the reversal of their “draft” update.

In the meantime, Twitter is rounding up many folks (a lot of stated Republican followers) in particular, and are closely watching their verbiage. Words such as “kick them out!” do not fly past their moderators. Requesting a review of your “temporary (12 hr) punishment” from being able to post anything, is fruitless. Their response is based on the “word” and not necessarily the context in which the word was used. Hence, find other vernacular such as “impeach them!” Or “move them out on their butts” to avoid words that even remotely look like hate, harassment, or incite bodily harm. But did you happen to see the recent video circulating on Nancy Pelosi who, on January 6, threatened to punch Trump in the face if he even showed up to the White House? She even openly admitted it would give her great satisfaction and she was willing to go to jail for it. Was she referring to jail-jail or Twitter jail? That was seriously okay though. However, there are many folks wondering why their messages have been deleted, their followers expunged and they’ve been locked out. For 12 hours or for lifetime? Not sure, but many are concerned.

Also on subject is Google. Apparently, they have been refusing their Android users access to Trump’s “Truth Social” app and held up the Android based app from their Play Store; based on their concerns that Trump and his app may be a snake’s den for inciting hate and harassment (in so many words, not verbatim). So recently, Google approved the app and probably due to an update of Truth Social’s T&C (or Acceptable Use Policy), satisfying Google’s requests. So if you’re an Android user and seeking out Truth Social, it should be in your Play Store now.

Protect your freedoms (Freedom of Speech is one of them). You know how to vote, so do it! #VoteToSaveAmerica and your freedoms.

To further the point on Freedom of Speech… a worthy read to stir some thought: https://www.foxnews.com/world/us-citizen-given-16-year-prison-sentence-saudi-arabia-tweets-state-dept-bungles-case-family

Arab-American community fighting banks over closed accounts – WXYZ.com

If I was a customer of this bank, I’d be closing out my accounts.  Words cannot describe how I feel about this.  I’m becoming more convinced that banks are not a safe place for anyone’s money.

Arab-American community fighting banks over closed accounts – WXYZ.com.

Sharp Objects Found In Food Left For Animals

Unthinkable.  This really stirs up some contempt.  I really do hope they find whoever is doing this.  If not, karma is sure to find its way around.  😉

Sharp Metal Objects Found In Food Left For Pets

“the concern isn’t just for dogs and cats, but also other animals like raccoons, foxes and other wildlife”

Hunger Pangs At the Motor City Casino

The coins simply weren’t dropping at the Motor City Casino last Sunday.  We decided to have dinner at the Motor Casino Assembly Line (buffet) where they have this awesome buffet.  While standing in line, we were entertained by a gentleman that obviously spent a lot of time there.  He mentioned that the slots weren’t paying out lately so he dines at the MC Assembly Line buffet and heads back over to the MGM to do his business.

Last year, the husband and I ate at the Assembly Line buffet and this year we compared our likes and dislikes between the two visits, and we gotta say that last year was much better.  If you love oysters, it’s the place to go.  The prime rib was to die for.  We can’t really complain about the food or the service.  Our dis-like was centered around the lack of options.  Now, if you’re talking about desserts… there were more than plenty and this was the 2nd time I said that I could spend my time just having desserts and screw the meal.  Tip:  if you love a good cannoli… don’t eat them here.  The more you leave for me, the merrier I’ll be.  Be warned however, they are not as creamy as you might hope for; a little more ricotta in the recipe does the trick.

Onward…. we walked through the casino and I could not believe my ears.  I spent a lot of time in Tahoe and Reno casinos and vowed not to spend a lot of time in the Detroit casinos for a long while (at least until the casinos recouped enough to repay some of their start up debts).  I don’t understand the attraction to sitting in front of a slot machine for hours in an environment that is so quiet you can hear a single quarter drop.  I’d be outta there so fast the wheels would spin on their own.  Even the non-smokers room of slots was quiet.  What about that?  Non-smoking slot machine room but no blackjack or card tables.  I have to admit it was a breath of fresh air regardless.  On a day like last Sunday, I’d vote for the cards and craps before I’d promote a slot machine.  No, we didn’t lay our money down.  Instead, we took a walk through with a full tummy and hit the road before the night life kicked in.

So that said, an interesting article popped up today, written on May 21. “Wings Reportedly Move Forward On New Arena.”

If you’re not familiar, the Motor City Casino is owned by Olympia Entertainment, a company owned by Mrs. Ilitch; part of the Ilitch Holdings conglomerate including the Joe Louis arena and the Red Wings.  😉

Do the math and if you want to support the build out of the new Joe, go to the Motor City Casino; choose a slot machine to feed, and play until your heart is content.  Preferably in the non-smoking room.  Personally, I’ll wait and pay to see a game at the new Joe.  Less of a risk getting the biggest bang for my buck.


Detroit City Council Member Calls It Quits « CBS Detroit

Detroit Is Not A State Of Its Own
Last time I checked anyhow.  This article:  http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2012/05/02/detroit-city-council-member-calls-it-quits/  sounds a bit like the corruption has hit a brick wall.  Or has it?  Rick Snyder stepped in to help but is he?  I’m not fond of Snyder and some of his political beliefs and changes; however, if he has a plan that will work to keep Detroit out of bankruptcy, why not give it a try Kenyatta?  Why is it important to you to use some “white power / black power” bullshit comments to make your point?  If you have facts to back up those allegations, then bring them forward.  Otherwise, shut up.

People must learn to get along already.  Take the help and run with it instead of biting the hand that feeds you.  When you are back up and running, re-negotiate to get your “black power” back.   Honest to God this pisses me off.  I don’t care what color anyone is, there’s no need to talk this way people!  And why is color even an issue in this??!!

It pisses me off to no end that the news hasn’t slammed this “Kwame Kenyatta” for some of the radical statements he made.   Just knock it off already and get a life.  Play nice and stop living in the past, and while you’re at it, face the fact that Detroit DOES NEED HELP and people in council WILL HAVE TO MAKE SOME CONCESSIONS.  WTF?  I had to make concessions during a recession, why can’t Council Members?  PS – you can indeed thank your former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his Council comrades for most of the financial issues that Detroit has suffered in recent years.

Detroit will move forward with or without you Mr. Kenyatta. If you have to make insinuations or allegations that there’s an undercurrent of white supremacy controlling your city, then I don’t want you on Council and you can leave anytime; and don’t collect your $200 and don’t pass GO, just go.  Sorry you won’t be able to afford those fancy digs anymore.

Even if I am misunderstanding the issue at hand and Snyder’s financial agreement, I still don’t appreciate the news printing this guy’s comments.  There was no reason to unless they are calling him out publicly on his comments and want to slap his hand like they’ve slapped other people for making similar comments.  This is BS in my book and does nothing but spawn discontent.

I need to chill now.  whew.

Get the full article here and decide for yourself:

Detroit City Council Member Calls It Quits « CBS Detroit.

188 Members Urging President to Confront China on Auto Parts

Senator Stabenow Leads 188 Members Urging President to Confront China on Auto Parts Debbie Stabenow | Senator for Michigan.

“In a letter to President Obama, Members of both the House and Senate urged the Administration to use the Interagency Trade Enforcement Center President Obama recently established to address China’s predatory policies in auto parts.”